Error of judgement about “self” is the mother of all psychological problems this psychological problem pave the way of Mentalist disorder and depression. We all are psycho patient with remarkable variation. Some more some less. It is observed that all most each individual have some” boiling point” in his personality. It is the point “where he never shows patience he brust into fire and Crush down all moral values. If this “boiling point” is repeated and pinched oftenely it will be resulted into blast . that blast would definitely scatter others tender feelings. There may be countless tragedies which are written and observed but the tragedy that might pained and paid much a lot is the tragedy of” non self realisation.” In our society each individual is consciously or subconsciously is practicing to pinch Each Other. This may be by passing Ironic sentences, making bad names for others ,making laugh at social status and adopting “space policy “for relatives. Drawing division line between beautiful and ugly worshipping “cast- structure “and by giving extraemphasis to” haves”and “have nots” we are always sensitive in our matters and show cold shoulders for others feelings. We love our “self respect “and degrade others self-respect ” it’s very hilarious our blood pressure increases in front of low status group but decreases in front of high profile holders. It’s easy to manipulate other people but its heroic task to manage self at the time of strong questions. The art of self management is the real art of beautiful life. Comparatively negative feelings and passions are much difficult to control. The horse of negative feeling can only be handled by the gigantic statue of “power “and “fear.” Describe situation of insulting environment turns into drastic state when each individual play the game of Hide and Seek. We are happy to hide what is negative in our personality but we are conscious to see negative in others. this hunger for “negative bone” leads to the clamity Bridge where as a dog we bark at each others and become the victim of Hallucination. In this situation all Bury their positiveness and rush for negativity this animalisation gives birth to law of forest. Where might is always right .where innocency is sobes. In such society there are not human beings their might be lions, tigers ‘monkeys and foxes in shape of human body. The most “bloody wolf “would adopt most sophisticated manners ‘oily tongue’ Royal lifestyle and would be at Frontline of doing social welfare works with artificial zeel and zest. The “cunning Fox” may be well versed in religious quotations and having doctoral degree to be tagged as highly qualified and experienced lady. She would artistically and beautifully will mingle the truth with falshood. She will beautifully play with pure feelings of “bloody fools “.the sweetness of fool’s blood will give music to her snobery. This inability of “non self realization” will produce educated animals having branded costumes and luxurious lifestyle. Such tamed animal like human beings have not only dual personality rather than multi Personality.they will b most attractive chameleons, to get edge in each matter. They learn the art of perfection in befooling others. Here question rises in the mind who will become fool?? The person who will not unable to keep pace with modern needs and requirements of life. The group of people they have not ability to get all these mentioned facilities and approach towards life. This cruel bifercation of society, would create anarchy ‘clamity and universal social disaster. Where doctor and psycho patient, both will be mental entity. Both try to treat each other’ patient with his will power of being so wise and doctor on the behalf of his scientific knowledge which is mingled with his non self realization. There are some suggestions to avoid such painful situation. Firstly recognise “yourself “weakness and strengths. Every individual is bestowed with unique qualities of heart and mind. Try to discover this universe. Deal yourself as you have been dealing negatively with others. Mock at yourself while standing in front of mirror’ give yourself bad names’ choose ironic sentences for your personality. This practice will make you realise how painful act it was ???than this practice would broke the Statue of your arrogant. Secondly make strong relationship with “nature “the creator.” The phenomenon of nature would help you to find out goodness in your personality. Daily life happenings will Boost Your Impulse of positive learning. This will lead towards self love this self love would make strong connection with others’s inner- positiveness. It’s universal law of nature negative attracts negative and positive charge attracts positive.