Wriiten by:Kashif Ayub Hashmi
Pakistan has been under the threat of collapse since its inception in 1947. The then,British Government,and Indian National Congress both believed that the new-born state of Pakistan was bound to fall within a few months after independence. They had certain solid reasons behind that thought; most important ones were unjust division of resources and challenges of ruling a state (which was under the threat of being collapsed) with almost no resources and experienced civil management. The Quaid had indicated this in his speech at Dhaka University Convocation in 1948. Where he said that Pakistan had faced the challenges, which could have destroyed a well settled state and that challenges had given Pakistan strength to face the upcoming challenges.
The death of the Quaid in unexplainable circumstances, the mysterious breaking of the ambulance car near Karachi and not receiving the rescue for the head of the state, are in itself some strange events which make this country’s future unpredictable. Then the murder of its first prime minister and unimaginable developments, or whatever you may say development or downfall, the break in the working of constituent assembly, increasing role of military establishment in the politics and most deadly was the fall of Dhaka in 1971.
Pakistan remained under this threat even after 1971, and the remaining part of Pakistan, the then West Pakistan and now Islamic Republic of Pakistan, has faced numerous challenges, each of which seemed to be life-taking and the end to beginning which happened in 1947. But somehow Pakistan existed and remained a mark on the map of the world, with unique and central geography and geo-political importance, this country is the only Muslim country with nuclear power and the best irrigation system. The challenges and threats are still there, but none could undo Pakistan, as it has come to stay, according to the Quaid.
The propaganda of collapse of Pakistan has been repeated more strongly since 9th May 2023 from certain corners of the society, especially the corners where support for the former PM Imran Khan is strong. His supporters are equating the present scenario with the black chapter of our history, the fall of Dhaka, there are rumors about mistreatment of women and especially, the mass-arrest of the political workers of PTI, who are allegedly responsible of burning Corps Commander Lahore House, (Jinnah House), PAF plande’s model in Mianwali, GHQ’s gates, the stoning of the pictures of martyrs in Sargodha and destruction of the statue of Capt. Col Sher Khan. I condemn the arrest of female political workers through male Police Officers and demand the authorities to stop humiliating the women, if it necessary to arrest some female worker, she must be arrested by Female Officers of Police.
It is strange that the same elements had been propagating the default of Pakistan’s economy and Pakistan truing into Sri Lanka and economic failure of the country after the passing of vote-of-no-confidence against the former Premier. It is a fact that despite untiring efforts from the former PM, his ministers and his party’s provincial governments in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtonkhwah, the country’s economy has sustained even though at the minimum level of existence. It was being told by these elements, including a large number of journalists and especially the pro-PTI journalist had already wept on the grave of Pakistan. (or maybe that was the grave of their dream of ruling the country for at least 10 to 15 years, with the support of Hamkhayal Judges Media Persons and Generals).
Since the passing of vote of no confidence against former premier Khan, we have been continuously hearing such mourning, and sometimes it seems that God-forbid Pakistan is on the verge of destruction, but if we look at the realities behind this propaganda, we find out that all this move has been launched by the same people and same elements who have been supporting Mr. Khan and are loyal to him. And they made a master plan to keeping Khan in power for decades, there were complete preparations and people had been given different tasks in different institutions, although some institutions have changed their mind-set after failure of launch of Imran Project, but still there is sympathy and liking for him in many intuitions and they are doing untiring efforts to flock the dead horse.
May Allah protect Pakistan and keep it safe. I have a feeling and desire that Pakistan has come to stay and no negative forces will ever succeed in undoing it. Amen